Ya’ll…. we are THREE DAYS AWAY!!
Have you ever found yourself realizing that your efforts to manage life on your own terms don’t often work?
I sure have.
Seven years ago, I realized that while sitting in a church basement at a 12-step recovery meeting. Wondering how I'd gotten there.
On the outside, things looked fine—career on track, relationships "good" enough, friends, engaged in church. But inside? I was struggling.
That's where I met Blake. Two guys who had run out of answers, sitting in uncomfortable chairs surrounded by strangers.
We were both there because our struggles with vulnerability and emotional awareness had become overwhelming and, frankly, problematic.
Neither of us knew then that we'd both become therapists. Or that those uncomfortable chairs would lead to the most honest friendship of our lives. Or that what we learned would eventually help hundreds of men in our therapy practices.
But it did and that’s exactly why the Three Percent Podcast is launching in just 3 DAYS!
This isn't just another self-help podcast or surface-level advice.
Three Percent is about the real stuff – the conversations men need but rarely get to have.
We're diving into emotional maturity, faith, and building the kinds of deep relationships that actually matter.
In the first episodes, we're unpacking:
How to foster a life that actually reflects your true self and values
Practical ways to connect deeply with others on the same journey
Deepening your relationship with God beyond Sunday rituals
Transforming your mental health from a struggle into a sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle
If you're reading this, consider yourself a founding member. You're getting in at the beginning, before the groups, in-person retreats, and workshops we have planned.
You get to help us build this thing.
If you know another guy who's hungry for more than just surviving – who wants authentic relationships, meaningful purpose, and real growth – forward this his way.
We're building a community of men who believe there's more to life than just checking boxes.
Looking forward to connecting,
Pumped for this! Congrats y’all!
Mazel Tov on your podcast Blake! 🥳
I left a comment on your post, and only just realizing our podcast subjects might have some overlap.
Not sure if you'd be interested in checking mine out (or collaborating at some point) but I put the link in my other comment.
Excited to listen to yours 🤍